Church Road Winery


Hawke's Bay


New Zealand

Project Type:

Commercial | Waterproofing

Project Scale:

0 – 5,000 m²

Adding Life to Concrete – How MARKHAM applied waterproofing treatments to protect the floor slabs of the popular Church Road Winery in Napier, NZ.


Many people don’t realise that fruit juice and wine, with their high sugar content, can be surprisingly detrimental to concrete. This is not a particular problem if the amount involved is small, but of course, in a winery, the likelihood of spills and build up is dramatically increased.

The sugars attract moisture and promote the growth of mould and mildew, which can break down the concrete’s surface. This can lead to staining, cracking, and increased risk of slips and falls. These challenges were a major concern for Church Road Winery in Napier, New Zealand, when they were constructing a new processing and storage building.

The winery floor not only had to withstand the constant threat of spills but also needed to endure harsh freeze-thaw cycles and resist dust production caused by concrete carbonation.

To address these challenges, MARKHAM recommended AQURON 2000, a revolutionary spray-applied hydrogel treatment.


What is AQURON 2000 and How Does it Work?

AQURON 2000 is a unique treatment that penetrates deep into the concrete and bonds at a molecular level. It acts like a microscopic sponge, attracting and holding onto moisture, which is essential for optimal concrete curing. This not only strengthens the concrete but also improves its overall durability.

The Benefits of AQURON 2000 for Wineries

  • Curing Assistance: AQURON 2000 offers advanced curing assistance by penetrating the concrete matrix. This promotes uniform hydration, reducing shrinkage and enhancing early strength development.
  • Durability Enhancement: AQURON 2000 enhances durability with increased impermeability. This is achieved by deep penetration of the treatment, reducing porosity. Moisture movement through the concrete is arrested, which in turn arrests the movement and action of reactive contaminants.
  • Anti-Dusting and Surface Hardening: The treatment minimises surface dusting caused by concrete carbonation, which can contaminate wine production areas. Additionally, it hardens the surface, making it more resistant to scratches and abrasions.
  • Freeze-Thaw Protection: AQURON 2000 helps to prevent concrete damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles, a common concern in regions with fluctuating temperatures.
  • Internal Corrosion Protection: The treatment helps to protect the concrete from internal corrosion caused by salts and other contaminants that may be present in the wine itself or the cleaning solutions used.
  • Cleanability: AQURON 2000 creates a denser, more stain-resistant surface, making it easier to clean up spills and maintain a sanitary environment.

Current system name for this treatment: INFRA-TECT.


A Lasting Solution for Church Road Winery

The multiple benefits of the treatment were ideal for this project. Church Road Winery remains a popular tourist destination with its cellar door, lunch zone and tours. And the floors are standing up just fine!

A great outcome all round.

Another key point is that AQURON 1000 is compatible with any line-marking or other topical coatings designed for bare concrete.

The MARKHAM team were able to visit this site about 10 years after construction, and found that an adjacent slab had not been treated. This gave us the excellent opportunity of visually comparing two slabs under identical conditions.

Concrete Products & Solutions used.

These related products and concrete solutions were used to protect the concrete of this project.

AQURON 2000 - Concrete Waterproofing Sealer

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