White Rock Wind Farm


Glen Innes, NSW



Project Type:

Civil / Infrastructure

Project Scale:

10,000 m² +

White Rock Wind Farm is a new energy collector at Glen Innes, NSW.

Owing to the prevailing temperatures, CONQOR TCB thermal curing blankets were used to maintain suitable hydration temperatures of the podium slabs.

Deep foundations generate a lot of heat during the cure phase – concrete’s exothermic heat of hydration.

Should the heat of hydration become too high, the differential between the inner concrete temperature and surface temperature can cause the surface to crack. It contracts at a different rate to the hotter concrete underneath.

Using CONQOR TCBs over the concrete encourages the differential to be lower, and the surface and inner to contract at a more even rate.


(Concrete pour photo courtesy of whiterockwindfarm.com)

Concrete Products & Solutions used.

These related products and concrete solutions were used to protect the concrete of this project.

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